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Serious Greenville Driver’s License Suspension Lawyers

At the David W. Martin Law Group, our driver’s license suspension attorneys in Greenville, South Carolina understand that having your driving privileges revoked can have a significantly negative impact on your livelihood.

If you cannot legally drive, your ability to get to work, school, and other important appointments is severely compromised and can result in losing your job, a scholarship, and other life-altering consequences that will immediately make themselves clear every time you plan to reach for your keys.

Our Greenville County driver’s license suspension lawyers also know that being arrested for DUI or DUAC is far from the only reason your license may be revoked. While the circumstances behind every rescinded driver’s license are unique, so is our experience in pursuing solutions that may get you back on the road, so you can get your life back on track.  Contact our experienced attorneys to find out how to get your driving privileges restored or your driver’s license reinstated.

What are the Most Common Reasons Drivers’ Licenses are Suspended in South Carolina?

If your South Carolina driver’s license has been suspended, you are not alone.

Last year there were nearly 190,000 people in our state who had their drivers’ licenses suspended because they failed to pay their traffic tickets, which is one of many ways to lose your driving privileges in our state.

Some of the most common reasons for a South Carolina driver’s license to be suspended or revoked include:

  • DUI or DUAC

First, refusing to take an alcohol test will automatically result in a six-month driver’s license suspension.

If you are found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your license can be suspended for at least six months for a first offense and potentially indefinitely suspended for future offenses without enrolling in the ignition interlock device.

  • Driving with a Suspended License

Drivers who have their licenses suspended, but insist on driving anyway, can seriously jeopardize their ability to legally get behind the wheel going forward.

Driving with a suspended license will result in an additional revocation of varying lengths, based on the initial reason for its loss.

  • Excessive Traffic Violations

Repeat speeding tickets or other violations like failing to obey traffic signs and signals or reckless driving that exhibits a pattern of unsafe behavior while operating a motor vehicle may result in a driver’s license suspension of three to six months.

  • Driving Without the Minimum Vehicle Insurance Requirements

Driving without valid auto insurance will result in your license being suspended and is potentially accompanied by a $550 reinstatement fee. The same suspension is true for those who fail to maintain SR-22 insurance when required, including reinstatement fees of up to $400.

In addition, there are several non-driving reasons your driver’s license may be suspended in South Carolina, including:

  • Not responding to a DMV notice
  • Failing to appear in court
  • Not paying child support

If your South Carolina driver’s license has been suspended for any reason, contact our experienced traffic attorneys in Greenville to learn how we can cut through the red tape for you, and provide straightforward solutions for regaining your driving privileges, so you can confidently get back on the road without worry.

Can I Get a Temporary Driver’s License After a DUI or DUAC Arrest in South Carolina?

A Temporary Alcohol License, or TAL, may be obtained after a DUI or DUAC arrest after filing for an administrative hearing and is valid until the hearing offer at the administrative hearing makes his ruling regarding the suspension.

You must file for an administrative hearing within 30 days of the date of the arrest or forfeit the right to pursue a TAL in South Carolina.

Having an experienced defense attorney by your side can help ensure the paperwork, overall request, and the necessary reasons behind the filing, are complete to improve your chances of success.  Further, our experienced lawyers are able to defend you at the administrative hearing and work to get your full license back to you.

What are the Eligibility Requirements for a Provisional Driver’s License in South Carolina?

If your driving privileges are suspended for a first offense DUI or DUAC, you may be eligible for a provisional driver’s license during the suspension period of your license.

First, you must meet all the following requirements:

  • Your blood alcohol content at the time of the arrest must have been .14 or less
  • You must be enrolled in the Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program
  • You must have or have had a valid South Carolina state driver’s license or be exempt
  • Prior suspensions, revocations, and cancellations requirements/conditions must already be met
  • You must have no other suspensions after the DUI or DUAC suspension except those resulting from the same violation

The cost to obtain a provisional license, for those who are eligible, is $100.

Can I Get a Route Restricted License and Drive Anywhere in South Carolina with a Route Restricted License?

If you do not qualify for or are unable to obtain a Provisional License, a Route Restricted license may still be an option to still be able to drive.  A route restricted license is designed to decrease the hardship that accompanies the eligible party’s legal trouble but it does not permit you to drive at will, anywhere and everywhere.

Route restricted licenses provide the restricted ability to drive:

  • From work or school
  • During work or school
  • To and from an Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program
  • To and from a court-ordered drug program

If you are in jeopardy of losing your license — or have already lost your license — contact our Greenville, South Carolina driver’s license suspension attorneys today to learn how we can help you discover the straightforward legal solutions you need to get back behind the wheel by putting your complete legal trouble behind you.

Contact Our Experienced Driver’s License Suspension Lawyers in Greenville at the David W. Martin Law Group for a consultation Today

If you are facing the possibility of losing your license, or have already, you do not have to face law enforcement, the courts, or the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles alone. Our experienced driver’s license attorneys in Greenville will outline your violations and propose a legal strategy that will give you the best chance to get your driver’s license back — even temporarily or provisionally — so you can accomplish the things you need to do each day, and keep your life moving in a positive direction.

Contact our driver’s license suspension lawyers in Greenville, South Carolina today at the David W. Martin Law Group by calling (803) 590-1958 to review your case with our experienced attorneys who are here to help you pursue positive results.


Any result the lawyer or law firm may achieve on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.

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Fort Mill, SC 29715-1722
(803) 548-2468

1061 Red Ventures Drive, Suite 145
Fort Mill, S.C. 29707
(803) 548-2000

114 Whitsett St
Greenville, SC 29601
(803) 590-1958

324 East St. John Street, Suite F-2
Spartanburg, SC 29302
(864) 606-0053

331 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 985-9200

2411 N. Oak Street, Suite 305A, 3rd Floor,
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(854) 854-5623

1240 Winnowing Way,
Suite 102 Office 1120
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
(843) 800-8165

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1501 Main Street,
Suite 507, Columbia, SC 29201.

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