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Get the Representation That You Need to Protect Your Family in Greenville, SC

At David W. Martin Law Group, our family law attorneys in Greenville know that family matters can disrupt your personal, home, and professional lives until you can create the best solutions that are right for your unique needs.

Those solutions will look different for everyone and will be dictated by the reasons you are pursuing a separation, divorce, child custody, or financial support solutions using our South Carolina laws to your advantage.

For whatever reason you need a Greenville County family law lawyer, we are here to help provide customized solutions for your case. We are not here to judge you or make your journey uncomfortable. We are here to provide support, stress relief, and results and will show you exactly how we pursue each detail that matters to you during a consultation.

Greenville, South Carolina Family Law Attorneys at David W. Martin Law Group

Family law

When you are seeking solutions to family matters, you must understand exactly what our South Carolina laws will allow you to pursue, and for what reasons.

For instance, divorce in South Carolina is very different than in other states.

According to our South Carolina Laws, divorce can be granted in one of five ways, including when one spouse is at fault for the divorce due to:

  • Adultery
  • Habitual drunkenness, including that caused by alcohol, or the use of any narcotic drug
  • Physical cruelty
  • Desertion for one year

When none of these areas of fault apply, and one or both spouses have decided to go their separate ways, they may file for a no-fault divorce. This requires the spouses to end their marital relationship and live separately for at least one year before the divorce can be finalized.

Our experienced divorce attorneys in Greenville will outline the specifications required for each type of divorce, which will allow you to make informed decisions about your future.

Experienced Alimony Lawyers in Greenville, South Carolina

The State of South Carolina allows family courts to mandate spousal support payments be made from one spouse to the other during their separation period and up to or beyond the finalized divorce.

However, not all divorces require alimony / spousal support payments to be made. Simply because you are divorcing does not entitle you to alimony payments.

Many factors will dictate whether you can receive alimony and are often decided by each spouse’s financial standing, educational, career background, and ability to earn a living on their own, along with how the property division was decided.

If you have placed your career on hold to raise your combined children, or have worked to put your spouse through school to further his or her education, you may be entitled to one of many forms of alimony allowed by our state.

Contact our Greenville spousal support lawyers for more information and to discuss your unique divorce financial needs.

Greenville Child Custody Attorneys Focused on the Best Interests of Your Kids

One of the most difficult components to settle during divorce proceedings is child custody matters that will outline where your children will live, go to school, and spend their time.

Our child custody lawyers in Greenville, South Carolina understand that neither parent is willing to compromise on their children’s futures and that these decisions are not often made easily.

We will help you outline the complete needs associated with child custody decisions, so you can focus on their well-being – now and going forward.

Our experienced Greenville child custody lawyers handle all types of cases, including:

We understand that ever when you and your spouse can agree on certain aspects of your child custody arrangements that this is a very difficult process. Our Greenville family law lawyers are here to support you throughout your case, so you have all the information and answers you need to focus on your kids’ happiness.

Dedicated Child Support Lawyers in Greenville, South Carolina

At David W. Martin Law Group, our family law attorneys focus on every part of your case, including child support requests that will allow your kids to live the life they were accustomed to before the divorce.

If you have been granted physical custody of your children, the other parent will likely be paying child support until they are 18 years old or graduate from high school. In some cases, families who have children with special needs may require child support to last much longer, so they can count on long-term financial support.

Our Greenville child support attorneys want everyone we represent to know their divorce, child custody, and financial needs are unique, and that we build each of our cases based on their customized needs.

South Carolina Courts Favor Mediation Discussions Before Divorce Litigation

Most counties in the State of South Carolina require divorcing couples to pursue mediation to discuss their case before a judge hears the facts and evidence in which they are unable to agree.

Mediation is an excellent resource for divorcing couples who would like to remain in control of the details of their case while saving money by hashing out the details behind closed doors. Our Greenville mediation lawyers know that some couples can come to terms with the divorce without a judge telling them how it is going to end. Meanwhile, others cannot.

No matter which side of the mediation process you are on, our Greenville family law attorney can help properly build your case to produce results.

Martial and Separation Agreements in Greenville, South Carolina

Our Marital Agreements / Separation Agreements attorneys in Greenville work tirelessly to provide our clients with the solutions they need to move forward with their lives with confidence.

Although legal separation is not recognized in South Carolina, our Greenville family law firm designs plan that allows our clients to begin picking up the pieces of their dissolution by outlining temporary alimony, child custody, and support, and property division requirements right away so everyone can start to move on during the required waiting period to finalize a divorce in our state.

When you are seeking a divorce in Greenville, South Carolina you need answers now. We have them and we want to provide the solutions you need to pursue a happier life.

Continuously Growing Economy in Greenville, South Carolina

Greenville is located along Interstate 85 in South Carolina, and its metropolitan area also includes Interstates 185 and 385.

Over the past 20 years, Greenville has continued to grow, with the support of favorable wages and tax benefits luring successful, international companies to invest in our region.

Greenville, South Carolina plays host to the following companies: 

When the former Donaldson Air Force Base closed, the land became the South Carolina Technology and Aviation Center.

It is now home to a Lockheed Martin aircraft and logistics center and facilities operated by 3M and Honeywell, as well as a General Electric gas turbine, aviation, and wind energy manufacturing operations.

Contact Our Family Law Attorneys in Greenville, South Carolina Today for a Consultation

If you are searching for a Greenville family law lawyer, you want to find someone who understands your unique circumstances and has the experience necessary to develop customized solutions to pursue results. That is who we are.

We are the family law lawyers in Greenville at David W. Martin Law Group, and we are available to discuss your unique legal representation needs during a consultation by calling (803) 590-1958 today.


Family Law Attorneys in Greenville, South Carolina FAQs

If you have been served with divorce papers in South Carolina, contact a divorce lawyer at (803) 784-3820 right away. Some procedural rules and laws dictate the divorce process in our state, and you must know each of them to ensure your rights are protected. For instance, a divorce complaint must be answered within 30 days, which gives us time to prepare your case if a temporary hearing has been requested.

The State of South Carolina does not require divorcing couples to seek marriage or divorce counseling before finalizing their case. However, both spouses must attend divorce mediation sessions to attempt to resolve each of the details of their case. If they are unable to reach an agreement on all factors, including divorce, property division, alimony, child custody, and child support, they must move forward with litigation where the court will decide for them.

The duration of your South Carolina divorce depends solely on the factors that are specific to you and your spouse’s ability to agree on how the process moves forward. High conflict divorces often take much longer than those that can be resolved during mediation. The other factors depend on whether you are pursuing a fault or no-fault divorce, in which case the time required y the state differs before finalization. Our Greenville divorce attorneys will outline your case accordingly, so you know what to expect during each step of the process.

must request a name change in your pleadings to put the court on notice that it is an issue before the divorce is finalized. At the time of divorce, you must testify under oath that you are requesting a name change for personal reasons, which is typical that you no longer want to carry your ex-spouse’s last name. You must answer a series of questions that verify you are not changing your name to avoid criminal charges, bankruptcy, or a sex offender registry.


Any result the lawyer or law firm may achieve on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.

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(803) 590-1958

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David W. Martin Law Group

108 Springs Street
Fort Mill, SC 29715-1722
(803) 548-2468

1061 Red Ventures Drive, Suite 145
Fort Mill, S.C. 29707
(803) 548-2000

114 Whitsett St
Greenville, SC 29601
(803) 590-1958

324 East St. John Street, Suite F-2
Spartanburg, SC 29302
(864) 606-0053

331 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 985-9200

2411 N. Oak Street, Suite 305A, 3rd Floor,
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(854) 854-5623

1240 Winnowing Way,
Suite 102 Office 1120
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
(843) 800-8165

Columbia office

1501 Main Street,
Suite 507, Columbia, SC 29201.

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