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At the David W. Martin Law Group, our criminal defense attorneys in Charleston, South Carolina know that being investigated for a crime can be terrifying, and can make you feel helpless against the solicitor’s office when they begin listing the number of offenses they can charge you with.

Our Charleston County defense lawyers advise anyone who has been investigated, arrested, or charged with a crime to contact our office immediately to understand the consequences that come with these alleged offenses.

The solicitor’s office takes pride in producing countless charges against any of our nearly 134,000 who are accused or arrested for a crime, as they may use their discretion to manipulate the charges to increase the penalties — which in turn makes their office appear tough on crime to the public.

Unfortunately, they are often successful in doing so when those they are prosecuting do not have a skilled Charleston criminal defense lawyer by their side.

We can help protect your rights, and keep the solicitor’s office from exceeding their authority, so our clients can see their court appearance through with confidence.

If you are being investigated for a crime, or have been arrested or charged, take advantage of your right to remain silent and contact our criminal defense attorneys in Charleston at (803) 548-2468 right away, so we can discuss the details of your case and begin establishing a concrete defense to help you pursue the best outcome.

Charleston Criminal Defense Attorneys at David W. Martin Law Group

At David W. Martin Law Group, our criminal defense lawyers in Charleston, South Carolina understand how difficult it can be to face criminal charges head on.

Unfortunately, ignoring the charges will not make them go away.

Depending on the severity of your alleged crime, your very freedom could be at stake — now and going forward.

Our criminal defense attorneys in Charleston provide solutions for clients who have been investigated, arrested, or charged with:

From traffic violations and drug crimes to shoplifting and murder, all crimes are not created equal and the punishments imposed by our South Carolina laws prove that to be true.

Whether this is your first arrest or if you have a previous conviction, you will need an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side to pursue the best outcome available for your unique circumstances. That is what the David W. Martin Law Group provides:  Opportunities to move forward with your life with confidence, so you can put these charges behind you.

South Carolina Traffic Violations Lawyers in Charleston, South Carolina

Traffic violations can lead to serious consequences in Charleston, including the loss of your license, heavy fines — and depending on the severity of the charges — even jail time.

Our Charleston traffic violations attorneys represent clients who were cited and/or arrested for:

  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Distracted driving
  • Texting while driving
  • Failing to obey traffic signs or signals
  • Reckless driving
  • Speeding
  • Hit-and-run
  • Vehicular manslaughter

Traffic violations are not to be taken lightly. Even if it is your first offense, you should discuss the charges with an experienced defense lawyer in Charleston to ensure you are making the right decisions about your future, before the solicitor’s office decides for you.

Experienced DUAC and DUI Lawyers in Charleston, South Carolina

South Carolina law prohibits driving a vehicle with a Blood Alcohol Content, or BAC, of .08% or higher.

South Carolina has two separate charges for drinking or drugging and driving charges called DUAC, or driving with an unlawful alcohol concentration, and a DUI, or driving under the influence.

They both carry nearly identical consequences.

The difference is the burden of proof required by the solicitor’s office to convict the alleged offender.

A DUAC charge requires no evidence of impairment for a conviction, whereas a DUI charge requires proof that the driver operated a vehicle while materially and appreciably impaired by alcohol, drugs, or both.

The types of penalties for these convictions include:

  • Driver’s license suspension
  • Fines, fees, and court costs
  • Community service
  • Ignition interlock device
  • Vehicle confiscation
  • Mandatory drug and alcohol education, assessment, and treatment
  • Jail time

Even if this is your first DUAC or DUI offense, the penalties can change the landscape of your day-to-day life almost immediately, starting with your license being revoked. With an experienced criminal defense attorney in Charleston by your side, you can fight these charges with vigor, so your life is not turned upside down by a conviction.

Drug Crimes Lawyers in Charleston, South Carolina

Drug crimes can come in many forms and each comes with severe consequences.

At the David W. Martin Law Group, our drug crimes attorneys in Charleston represent clients who have been investigated, arrested, and/or charged with:

  • Drug possession
  • Drug possession with intent to distribute
  • Drug distribution
  • Drug trafficking
  • Drug manufacturing

Our dedicated criminal defense representation includes building strong cases for those accused of charges of all types of drugs, including:

  • Cocaine
  • Crack Cocaine
  • Hallucinogens
  • Heroin
  • LSD
  • Marijuana
  • MDMA, also called Ecstasy or Molly
  • Methamphetamines
  • PCP
  • Prescription Opioids or Stimulants

While the amount and type of drug you are charged with plays a major role in the severity of the charges, so will your previous criminal history.

Contact our skilled criminal defense attorneys in Charleston today at (803) 548-2468 to learn more about the charges and the evidence the solicitor’s office has against you, so we can begin building your unique defense strategy today.

Gun Crimes Defense Attorneys in Charleston, South Carolina

There is no state firearms permit required to possess a rifle, shotgun, or handgun in the State of South Carolina, which means nearly anyone has the right to purchase and own a firearm of these styles.

Concealed carry licenses for handguns, however, must be acquired if any of our residents plan to carry their firearms outside their home.

Also, if you have been convicted of a violent crime, it is unlawful to possess a firearm or ammunition, and doing so is a felony.

Gun crimes can be extremely difficult to overcome without an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Charleston by your side. We advise each of our residents to retain counsel if they are facing these charges in our state, so their rights are not violated while the solicitor’s office pursues stiff penalties as they prosecute their case.

Sex Crimes Attorneys in Charleston, South Carolina

If you have been accused of a sex crime in Charleston, you already understand the gravity of these charges, and how they will affect the rest of your personal and professional life.

The stigma associated with sex crimes can place you in a very difficult place with both your family and the public, which requires an experienced sex crimes lawyer in Charleston to mitigate the legal outcome, so you can get your life back.

Each alleged sex crime is different, and so is the person who stands accused of these damaging charges, and depending on your previous criminal record, the penalties can be life changing.

Do not let the solicitor’s office build a case against you without having your own representation by your side to counter their claims while protecting your rights and providing the defense you need to produce results.

Contact Our Serious Criminal Defense Attorneys in Charleston Today for a Consultation

Criminal charges should not be left to chance, even when it is your first arrest. The solicitor’s office will do their best to make an example of first-time offenders to dissuade them from breaking any laws going forward, which can lead to misguided or overzealous charges being waged against our clients.

Do not let them dictate how your criminal case unfolds.

Contact our skilled criminal defense lawyers in Charleston, South Carolina for a consultation today by calling (803) 548-2468 today to learn how we can help you build the best defense available for your charges, so you can put these court appearances behind you.



Any result the lawyer or law firm may achieve on behalf of one client in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients.

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(803) 548-2468

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David W. Martin Law Group

108 Springs Street
Fort Mill, SC 29715-1722
(803) 548-2468

1061 Red Ventures Drive, Suite 145
Fort Mill, S.C. 29707
(803) 548-2000

114 Whitsett St
Greenville, SC 29601
(803) 590-1958

324 East St. John Street, Suite F-2
Spartanburg, SC 29302
(864) 606-0053

331 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 985-9200

2411 N. Oak Street, Suite 305A, 3rd Floor,
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(854) 854-5623

1240 Winnowing Way,
Suite 102 Office 1120
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
(843) 800-8165

Columbia office

1501 Main Street,
Suite 507, Columbia, SC 29201.

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